Did you know that a recruiter does far more than just find people for jobs? They are an integral part of the entire hiring process: they identify the right people, communicate the role’s needs and the company’s expectations, help both sides prepare for interviews, manage salary negotiations, and hopefully make a long-lasting connection between an organization and an individual. What makes a recruiter so successful in his or her role is acting as the go-between to intercept potential issues and communicate clear expectations on both sides. But recruiters do come at a cost. Often, there is a fee negotiated between the hiring organization and the recruiting firm. And in situations in which you’d like to save yourself that fee, there are three specific things you must do in order to avoid outsourcing.
Communicate Expectations as Clearly as Possible
A hiring process can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on talent, timeline and budget issues. When you’ve narrowed down the candidate pool and begin scheduling first interviews, be extremely clear about your expectations. If you have a set deadline for when you’d like the position to be filled, explain that timeline. Or if you’ve asked the candidates to prepare a presentation, make sure they understand exactly what you’re looking for to not waste anyone’s time. A recruiter will usually prepare a candidate before an interview, spending time explaining the ins and outs of the role, company culture and policy and expectations. Although you won’t be able to dedicate as much time to preparing the individuals you will be interviewing, perhaps you can point them to a few places on your organization’s website that they can research to get a better understanding of the company.
Ask About Salary Up-Front
During a recruiter’s first few calls with a candidate; they will usually ask about salary requirements to understand where that will fall into line with their client’s budget. Mimicking this concept can save you a substantial amount of time during your hiring cycle, ruling out anyone who you can’t possibly reach with your salary and benefits packages. Most recruiters won’t pass along an individual who is clearly above the posted role’s paygrade, and you should take this as an example of how to streamline your hiring process.
Do Your Research
Perhaps one of the most beneficial reasons to outsource your hiring to a recruiting agency is because a recruiter doesn’t wait for applicants to come to them. Rather, they take the time to research qualified individuals who are working for your competitors or in similar roles in other industries. They will reach out to individuals who may not be actively looking to see if there is any interest. Aside from time constraints, there’s no reason why you can’t also browse LinkedIn to see if there is a potential connection you should be making. Reach out to your connections to see if they have anyone they’d recommend for the role. Go beyond posting a job description to a hiring board and waiting to see what washes up. The results will most likely surprise you.
Overall, there are many benefits to outsourcing your hiring process to a qualified recruiting firm, but if your budget is holding you back from that investment, there are many things you can do to enhance your internal hiring process. With a little extra work, you will find better qualified candidates who will last longer in your organization. And in the end, isn’t that worth the extra time or money?
Biotech Partners has years in the recruiting industry and has picked up many tips and tricks to the trade. Reach out to us today to learn about a few ways you can enhance your internal hiring processes!